Learning JavaScript

Beginner friendly course for learning JavaScript step-by-step, one of the most versatile scripting languages for web development.

(JAVASCRIPT.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-473-5
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
AI Tutor (Add-on)
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About This Course

Learning JavaScript online is now easy with our course that teaches you the fundamentals for creating interactive websites and dynamic web applications. Gain knowledge of JavaScript core concepts - syntax, data types, variables, operators, and control flow statements. Learn about the use and application of DOM (Document Object Model) for experimenting with web page content, styles, and attributes. Understand the nature of JavaScript programming through objects, properties, methods, constructors & prototypes, and asynchronous programming (non-blocking code execution). Discover modern JavaScript features like arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, classes, modules, and more. By the end of this JavaScript learning path, you’ll gain the essential knowledge to build stunning user-friendly website interfaces.

Skills You’ll Get

  • Writing HTML, JavaScript Programs
  • Running codes & commands in the Console
  • Create, modify & delete Array Elements
  • Work with class, abstraction, inheritance & polymorphism
  • Understanding API web interfaces & navigation
  • Using Linter for unit-testing & debugging in chrome
  • Event handling for responding to user interactions
  • Build framework for React and Vue components
  • Build Node. js modules

Interactive Lessons

43+ Interactive Lessons | 89+ Exercises | 257+ Quizzes | 265+ Flashcards | 265+ Glossary of terms

Hands-On Labs

76+ LiveLab | 76+ Video tutorials | 02:44+ Hours



  • Why This Course?
  • Conventions Used in This Course
  • Foolish Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This course
  • Beyond the Course
  • Where to Go from Here

Jumping into JavaScript

  • JavaScript, the Basics
  • Reading and Copying JavaScript Code
  • Starting Your Development Environment
  • Writing Your First JavaScript Program
  • Running Code in the Console
  • Rerunning Commands in the Console
  • Running Code in a Browser Window

Filling Your JavaScript Toolbox

  • Installing Node.js
  • Configuring Visual Studio Code
  • Documenting Your Code
  • Coding Responsibly with Git

Using Data

  • Making Variables with let
  • Making Constants with const
  • Taking a Look at the Data Types
  • Wrangling the Object: The Complex Data Type
  • Examining the Array — a Special Kind of Object
  • Getting a Handle on Scope

Working with Operators and Expressions

  • Building Expressions
  • Operators: The Lineup
  • Other Operators

Controlling Flow

  • Choosing a Path
  • Making Loops

Using Arrays

  • Introducing Arrays
  • Creating Arrays
  • Accessing Array Elements
  • Modifying Arrays
  • Deleting Array Elements
  • Programming with Array Methods
  • Looping with Array Methods
  • Destructuring Arrays
  • Spreading Arrays

Making and Using Objects

  • Objects: The Basics
  • Creating Objects
  • Modifying Objects
  • Comparing and Copying Objects
  • Understanding Prototypes
  • Deleting Object Properties

Writing and Running Functions

  • Functions: An Introduction
  • Writing Functions
  • Writing Methods
  • Understanding Context and this
  • Chaining Functions

Getting Oriented with Classes

  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Base Classes
  • Derived Classes
  • Constructors
  • Properties and Methods
  • Practicing and Becoming comfortable with Classes

Making Things Happen with Events

  • Understanding the JavaScript Runtime Model
  • The Event Loop
  • Listening for Events

Writing Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Understanding Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Making Promises
  • Using AJAX

Using JavaScript Modules

  • Defining Modules
  • Exporting Modules
  • Importing Modules
  • Renaming Exports and Imports
  • Importing a Module Object
  • Loading Dynamic Modules
  • Importing Modules into HTML

What a Web Browser Does

  • Interfacing with a Browser
  • Introducing the Browser Engine
  • The Rendering Engine
  • Networking

Programming the Browser

  • Understanding Web APIs and Interfaces
  • Getting Around the Navigator
  • Stealing a Glimpse Through the Window
  • Introducing the HTML DOM
  • Knowing Your History

Getting Started with React

  • Understanding ReactJS
  • Initializing a Project with Vite
  • Introducing ReactDOM and the Virtual DOM

Writing JSX

  • Learning the Fundamentals of JSX
  • Using JavaScript Expressions in JSX
  • Conditionally Rendering JSX
  • Making a List
  • Styling React Apps and Components

Building React Components

  • Thinking in Components
  • Recognizing the Two Types of Data
  • Function Components
  • Class Components
  • The Component Lifecycle
  • Using the Lifecycle in Function Components
  • Composing Components

Using Data and Events in React

  • Event Handling in React
  • Making Forms with React

Getting an Overview of Vue

  • Comparing Vue to React
  • Scaffolding Your First Vue.js Application
  • Mounting a Root Component
  • Exploring Vue's Two Styles
  • Installing Vue DevTools

Introducing Vue Components

  • Introducing the Single-File Component
  • Naming Components
  • Following the Component Lifecycle
  • Handling Errors in Components

Making Vue Templates

  • Writing HTML Templates
  • Using JavaScript in Templates
  • Introducing Directives
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Rendering Lists
  • Composing with Slots
  • Adding Style to Components

Using Data and Reactivity

  • Passing and Using Props
  • Binding Data to Templates
  • Initializing and Changing Reactive Data
  • Introducing ref()
  • Computing Properties
  • Reacting to State Changes with Watch()

Responding to Events

  • Setting Listeners with v-on
  • Using Event Modifiers
  • Binding Forms to Events and Data

Getting Started with Svelte

  • What Makes Svelte Different?
  • Building Your Scaffolding
  • Getting the Svelte for VS Code Extension
  • Exploring a Svelte App
  • Playing with Svelte

Building with Components

  • Writing Lean Components
  • Identifying What's in a Component
  • Adding Style to a Component

Designing Templates

  • Elements Are the Building Blocks
  • Documenting Svelte with Comments
  • Choosing a Path
  • Creating Loops
  • Writing Text Expressions
  • Composing with Slots

Using Directives

  • Listening for Events with on:
  • Creating Two-Way Bindings with :bind
  • Using Transition Animations

Using the Component Lifecycle

  • The Svelte Lifecycle
  • Fetching Data in Svelte

Advanced Svelte Reactivity

  • Constructing and Stocking the Store
  • Getting and Setting Context

Building from Scratch

  • Why You Need a Build Tool
  • Managing Dependencies with npm
  • Writing Your First Files
  • Writing a dev Script
  • Making Modules

Optimizing and Bundling

  • Automating Your Build Script
  • Converting to React

Testing Your JavaScript

  • Using a Linter
  • Debugging in Chrome
  • Unit Testing

Node.js Fundamentals

  • Learning What Makes Node.js Tick
  • Learning the Parts of Node.js
  • Introducing the Node.js Core Modules
  • Recognizing What Node.js Is Good For
  • Working with Node.js
  • Using REPL
  • Making and Using Node.js Modules
  • Getting Data to Node Modules
  • Node's Callback Pattern


  • Jumping into Streams
  • Creating Readable Streams
  • Creating Writable Streams
  • Producing Duplex Streams
  • Transforming Streams
  • Chaining Streams

Working with Buffers

  • Knowing Your Buffer Basics
  • Decoding Buffers
  • Creating Buffers
  • Using Other Buffer Methods
  • Iterating over Buffers

Accessing the File System

  • Importing the fs module
  • Reading Files
  • Writing Files
  • Using Paths
  • Getting File and Directory Information

Networking with Node

  • A Note about Security
  • Making a Web Server

Using Events

  • Introducing EventEmitter
  • Understanding and Using maxListeners
  • Removing Listeners
  • Emitting Once

Error Handling and Debugging

  • Knowing the Types of Errors
  • Understanding Node.js's Error Object
  • Exceptions versus Errors
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Debugging Node.js Programs

Accessing Databases

  • Getting Started with MongoDB
  • Starting MongoDB
  • Using Mongosh
  • Using MongoDB from Node.js

Riding on the Express Train

  • Installing Express
  • Server-Side Routing with Express
  • Using Express Middleware
  • Analyzing a Complete Express Server
  • Serving a View
  • Using the Express Application Generator

Registration and Authentication

  • Making and Configuring the Directory
  • Adding the App and Server Modules
  • Making Some Basic Routes
  • Testing Your Routes
  • Making a Schema with Mongoose
  • Implementing User Registration
  • Handling Authentication
  • Generating and Using Tokens
  • Finishing the Login Route


Jumping into JavaScript

  • Creating an HTML Page Using JavaScript

Using Data

  • Using Primitive Data Types
  • Using Special Characters

Working with Operators and Expressions

  • Using Comparison Operators
  • Using Arithmetic Operators
  • Using Logical Operators

Controlling Flow

  • Using Conditional Statements
  • Using the Ternary Operator
  • Using the switch Statement
  • Using the break Statement
  • Using Loops
  • Using the continue Statement

Using Arrays

  • Generating an HTML List from an Array
  • Creating a Shallow Copy of an Array

Making and Using Objects

  • Printing the Properties of an Object

Writing and Running Functions

  • Using Pass By Reference
  • Creating a Movie Picker App
  • Creating a Bookstore App

Getting Oriented with Classes

  • Overriding a Method
  • Accessing the static Member of a Class

Making Things Happen with Events

  • Setting an Event Listener
  • Using Event Bubbling
  • Firing a Built-in Event

Writing Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Creating an Asynchronous User Interface
  • Creating a Synchronous User Interface
  • Creating an Asynchronous Function
  • Creating a Promise Chain
  • Creating a Promise

Programming the Browser

  • Using the Navigator userAgent Property
  • Using the getElementById() Method
  • Using the querySelectorAll() Method
  • Creating and Appending Element Nodes

Writing JSX

  • Creating a React Component
  • Performing Conditional Rendering Using the Logical && Operator
  • Performing Conditional Rendering Using the Conditional Operator
  • Performing Conditional Rendering Using the Element Variable

Building React Components

  • Using State
  • Using props in a Class Component
  • Using Props in a Function Component
  • Creating a Class Component

Using Data and Events in React

  • Handling an Event in React
  • Creating a Form in React

Getting an Overview of Vue

  • Creating a Vue Component Using the Composition API
  • Creating a Vue Component Using the Options API

Introducing Vue Components

  • Using the setup Attribute

Making Vue Templates

  • Creating a Custom Directive

Using Data and Reactivity

  • Using Props in Vue

Responding to Events

  • Handling Events in Vue

Getting Started with Svelte

  • Creating a Svelte Component

Building with Components

  • Creating a Svelte Counter Component
  • Creating a Prop in Svelte
  • Using Reactive Statements in Svelte

Designing Templates

  • Performing Conditional Rendering in Svelte
  • Creating a Loop in Svelte

Using Directives

  • Creating Transition in Svelte

Using the Component Lifecycle

  • Using the tick() Method

Advanced Svelte Reactivity

  • Creating a Store in Svelte

Building from Scratch


Optimizing and Bundling


Testing Your JavaScript


Node.js Fundamentals

  • Using the os Module
  • Creating a Web Server in Node.js
  • Creating ES Modules
  • Creating CommonJS Modules


  • Working with a Stream in the Paused Mode
  • Working with a Stream in the Flowing Mode
  • Creating a Streaming Counter

Working with Buffers

  • Creating a Buffer
  • Iterating over a Buffer

Accessing the File System

  • Reading Data from a File
  • Writing Data to a File

Networking with Node

  • Creating a Web Server that Returns Information about Each Server Request

Using Events

  • Creating an Instance of EventEmitter
  • Finding the Default Number of Listeners for an Emitter

Error Handling and Debugging

  • Creating an Error Object and Displaying its Properties
  • Handling an Exception

Accessing Databases

  • Creating a Collection in MongoDB

Riding on the Express Train

  • Creating an Express Application
  • Handling Route Parameters in Express

Registration and Authentication

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There are no such prerequisites as this is a beginner friendly course. However some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS coding will help you in understanding the basics of programming.

Anyone wanting to upgrade their coding skills or those wanting to become web developers or enhance their front-end development skills will benefit from this course.

If you aspire to become a professional web developer, learning these high-demand languages is the first thing you should do. There’s a constant demand for skilled developers worldwide and with the right skillset you can choose to work as a front-end, full-stack or even freelance developer.

uCertify offers a variety of beginner-friendly online programming courses. It is the best training platform for learning JavaScript step-by-step, complete with video tutorials, practice assessments, flashcards, quizzes, and hands-on Labs for practicing your learnings.

As a professional JavaScript web developer, you can earn anywhere between $70,000 to $120,000 annually.

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