Python All-in-One

(COMP-PYTHON.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-537-4
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
AI Tutor (Add-on)
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About This Course

The Python All-in-One course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in Python, enabling you to develop a wide range of applications and solutions. The course helps you to learn the basics of Python programming, including data types, variables, and control structures and dive into advanced topics like data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming. The course helps you gain a strong foundation in Python programming, enabling you to develop a wide range of applications and solutions. 

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

31+ Interactive Lessons | 67+ Exercises | 133+ Quizzes | 113+ Flashcards | 113+ Glossary of terms

Hands-On Labs

45+ LiveLab | 45+ Video tutorials | 01:20+ Hours



  • About This Course
  • What to Buy
  • Icons Used in This Course
  • Where to Go from Here

Starting with Python

  • Why Python Is Hot
  • Choosing the Right Python
  • Tools for Success
  • Writing Python in VS Code
  • Using Jupyter Notebook for Coding

Interactive Mode, Getting Help, and Writing Apps

  • Using Python's Interactive Mode
  • Creating a Python Development Workspace
  • Creating a Folder for Your Python Code
  • Typing, Editing, and Debugging Python Code
  • Writing Code in a Jupyter Notebook

Python Elements and Syntax

  • The Zen of Python
  • Introducing Object-Oriented Programming
  • Discovering Why Indentations Count, Big Time
  • Using Python Modules

Building Your First Python Application

  • Opening the Python App File
  • Typing and Using Python Comments
  • Understanding Python Data Types
  • Working with Python Operators
  • Creating and Using Variables
  • Understanding What Syntax Is and Why It Matters
  • Putting Code Together

Working with Numbers, Text, and Dates

  • Calculating Numbers with Functions
  • Still More Math Functions
  • Formatting Numbers
  • Grappling with Weirder Numbers
  • Manipulating Strings
  • Uncovering Dates and Times
  • Accounting for Time Zones
  • Working with Time Zones

Controlling the Action

  • Main Operators for Controlling the Action
  • Making Decisions with if
  • Repeating a Process with for
  • Looping with while

Speeding Along with Lists and Tuples

  • Defining and Using Lists
  • What's a Tuple and Who Cares?
  • Working with Sets

Cruising Massive Data with Dictionaries

  • Understanding Data Dictionaries
  • Creating a Data Dictionary
  • Looping through a Dictionary
  • Data Dictionary Methods
  • Copying a Dictionary
  • Deleting Dictionary Items
  • Having Fun with Multi-Key Dictionaries

Wrangling Bigger Chunks of Code

  • Creating a Function
  • Commenting a Function
  • Passing Information to a Function
  • Returning Values from Functions
  • Unmasking Anonymous Functions

Doing Python with Class

  • Mastering Classes and Objects
  • Creating a Class
  • Creating an Instance from a Class
  • Giving an Object Its Attributes
  • Giving a Class Methods
  • Understanding Class Inheritance

Sidestepping Errors

  • Understanding Exceptions
  • Handling Errors Gracefully
  • Being Specific about Exceptions
  • Keeping Your App from Crashing
  • Adding an else to the Mix
  • Using try … except … else … finally
  • Raising Your Own Exceptions

Working with External Files

  • Understanding Text and Binary Files
  • Opening and Closing Files
  • Reading a File’s Contents
  • Looping through a File
  • Reading and Copying a Binary File
  • Conquering CSV Files
  • Converting from CSV to Objects and Dictionaries

Juggling JSON Data

  • Organizing JSON Data
  • Understanding Serialization
  • Loading Data from JSON Files
  • Dumping Python Data to JSON

Interacting with the Internet

  • Seeing How the Web Works

Libraries, Packages, and Modules

  • Understanding the Python Standard Library
  • Exploring Python Packages
  • Importing Python Modules
  • Making Your Own Modules

Exploring Artificial Intelligence

  • AI Is a Collection of Techniques
  • Current Limitations of AI

Building a Neural Network

  • Understanding Neural Networks
  • Building a Simple Neural Network in Python
  • Building a Python Neural Network in TensorFlow

Doing Machine Learning

  • Learning by Looking for Solutions in All the Wrong Places
  • Creating a Machine-Learning Network for Detecting Clothes Types
  • Visualizing with MatPlotLib
  • Learning More Machine Learning

Exploring AI

  • Limitations of the Raspberry Pi and AI
  • Adding Hardware AI to the Raspberry Pi
  • AI in the Cloud
  • AI on a Graphics Card
  • Where to Go for More AI Fun in Python

Understanding the Five Areas of Data Science

  • Working with Big, Big Data
  • Cooking with Gas: The Five-Step Process of Data Science

Exploring Big Data

  • Introducing NumPy, Pandas, and MatPlotLib
  • Doing Your First Data Science Project

Using Big Data from Google Cloud

  • What Is Big Data?
  • Understanding Google Cloud and BigQuery
  • Reading the Medicare Big Data
  • Looking for the Most Polluted City in the World on an Hourly Basis

Introducing Physical Computing

  • Physical Computing Is Fun
  • What Is a Raspberry Pi?
  • Building Projects That Move and Sense the Environment
  • Sensing the Environment with the Raspberry Pi
  • Controlling an LED with Python
  • But Wait, There's More

No Soldering! Using Grove Connectors for Building

  • Working with the Grove System
  • Grove Connectors
  • Connecting with Grove Cables

Sensing the World

  • Understanding I2C
  • Measuring Oxygen and a Flame
  • Building a Dashboard on Your Phone with Blynk
  • Where to Go from Here

Making Things Move

  • Exploring Electric Motors
  • Controlling a DC Motor
  • Running a Servo Motor
  • Making a Stepper Motor Step

Introducing Robotics

  • A Robot Is Not Always Like a Human
  • Not Every Robot Has Arms or Wheels
  • Understanding the Main Parts of a Robot
  • Programming Robots

Building Your First Python Robot

  • Introducing the Mars Rover PiCar-B
  • Assembling the Robot
  • Testing Your Robot

Programming Your Robot Rover

  • Building a Simple, High-Level Python Interface
  • Making a Single Move with Python
  • Functions of the RobotInterface Class
  • The Python Robot Interface Test
  • Coordinating Motor Movements with Sensors
  • Making a Python Brain for Our Robot
  • Overview of the Included Adeept Software
  • Where to Go from Here

Using Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

  • This Lesson’s Projects: Going to the Dogs
  • Setting Up the First Project
  • Machine Learning Using TensorFlow
  • Testing the Trained Network
  • Taking Cats and Dogs to Our Robot
  • Setting Up the Second Project
  • The Python Program
  • The Main Program
  • AI and the Future of Robotics


Interactive Mode, Getting Help, and Writing Apps

  • Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
  • Getting Started with Jupyter Notebook

Python Elements and Syntax

  • Generating a Random Integer

Building Your First Python Application

  • Using Boolean Operators
  • Working with Escape Characters
  • Using Arithmetic Operators
  • Using Variable Assignment

Working with Numbers, Text, and Dates

  • Using the round() Function
  • Printing the Absolute Value
  • Calculating the Square Root
  • Converting the Decimal Number to Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal
  • Manipulating Strings Using the strip() Method

Controlling the Action

  • Using Conditional Statements
  • Using the for Loop
  • Using Nested Loops
  • Using the while Loop

Speeding Along with Lists and Tuples

  • Working with Lists
  • Working with Tuples

Cruising Massive Data with Dictionaries

  • Working with Dictionaries

Wrangling Bigger Chunks of Code

  • Working with Functions
  • Using a lambda Expression

Doing Python with Class

  • Working with Classes

Sidestepping Errors

  • Creating the Custom Exception Class

Working with External Files

  • Opening and Reading a File
  • Opening a CSV File

Juggling JSON Data

  • Loading Data from JSON Files
  • Dumping Python Data to JSON

Interacting with the Internet

  • Opening a URL

Libraries, Packages, and Modules

  • Using the math Module

Building a Neural Network

  • Creating an Activation Function
  • Exploring a Two-Layer Neural Network using NumPy
  • Training and Evaluating a Model in TensorFlow
  • Exploring a Two-Layer Neural Network using TensorFlow

Doing Machine Learning

  • Creating Convolutional Neural Network
  • Training and Evaluating a Network in Machine Learning

Exploring Big Data

  • Visualizing the Diamonds Dataset using MatPlotLib Library
  • Working with the Diamonds Dataset
  • Using the Pandas Library
  • Creating a Correlation Heat Chart

Introducing Physical Computing

  • Controlling an LED

No Soldering! Using Grove Connectors for Building

  • Simulating Traffic Light System Optimization

Making Things Move

  • Controlling a Stepper Motor
  • Controlling a DC Motor

Building Your First Python Robot

  • Controlling a Servo Motor

Using Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

  • Training a CNN Model Using the Image Dataset
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